Aug 16, 2008

Deee controverseeeee

Of late, Tripod+1 has engaged in a dispute over the proper use of "deeee." This particular "phraseology" is believed to have originated in Hong Kong and was originally used to emphasize and poke fun at any topic or item of interest, and also typically only objects that contain the sound "eeee." (e.g., "deeeee briiiiiiiiiiiiidge")

There are some camps, however, that insist that the original conventions have room to evolve to include other non "eeeee"-sounding objects. Examples include "deeee funnelllll" or "deeee next bloooooock." The council appears split down the middle, with 2 in favor of the evolving convention, and 2 in favor of the status quo. (Statuuuuuuuuuuus quo.) Only time can tell which way this saga develops.

An oldie but goodie: "Deeeee gryyyyyyst to deeee meeeeeeeell!!!"


yugi said...
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quicklymilktea said...

Hey, "split down the middle" is just a bit in deeeee smack dab.

Evolution of "deeee" also includes expanding from monosyllabic to polysyllabic usages.